Hours: Tuesday: 11 am- 5 pm ; Wednesday- Saturday 11 am–4 pm
Picturing Paradise is sponsored by ConVida and travelled by MAGDA.
Cuadros are embroidered and appliqued fabric pictures created by women artists of Compacto Humano and Manos Ancashinas, two art cooperatives located in Pamplona Alta, a shantytown situated on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. Through the Cuadros, the women’s personal stories are visually expressed, hgihlighting memories of their past lives and the realities of their present experiences. This exhibit features over 50 imaginative and contemporary hand-embroidered tapestries. The exhibit also serves as an activisit project that makes available additional Cuadros for sale (priced between $20-$100) to viewers of interest. 100% of proceeds from the sales of Cuadros are sent directly to the women artists.